c47 f5f6231a6f
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then css variable.
2024-03-03 11:18:33 +01:00

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<h2 class="entry-hint-parent">Ace Eine Schnitzeljagd
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<p>Fuer mich war das Thema Asexualitaet ein rabbit hole. Schon seit Jahren merke ich, dass mich darin irgendwie wiederfinde. Ich fing an, fuer mich selbst darueber zu schreiben und versuchte damit meine Gedanken zu ordnen. Damit meine ich, dass ich keine externen Informationsquellen in meine Auseinandersetzungen mit einbezog. Da ich nach einer Weile dann aber wieder sexuell sehr aktiv war, nahm ich an, es waere einfach nur so eine Phase gewesen....</p>
<footer class="entry-footer"><span title='2022-09-11 11:07:00 +0100 +0100'>[ Published: 2022-09-11 ]</span>&nbsp; &middot; &nbsp;<span title='2022-09-11 16:50:00 +0100 +0100'>[ Last modified: 2022-09-11 ]</span>&nbsp; &middot; &nbsp;3 min&nbsp; &middot; &nbsp;564 words&nbsp; &middot; &nbsp;c47</footer>
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<h2 class="entry-hint-parent">Hafermilch
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<p>Schon seit einer Weile versuche ich verschiedenste Dinge, um eine Zubereitungsart zu finden, die mir fuer selbstgemachte Hafermilch gefaellt. Einerseits, um selbst Einfluss auf Geschmack und Inhalt nehmen zu koennen und andererseits, um Tetrapacks einzusparen.
Ich fand eine Zubereitung im Netz , in deren Kommentarbereich darauf hingewiesen wurde, dass die Temperatur eine Rolle spielt und das Schleimen verhindert werden kann, wenn das Wasser kalt genug ist. Daraufhin nahm ich anfangs wenig Wasser und gab nach etwas Puerieren wieder Wasser hinzu, um so die Gesamttemperatur immer wieder herabzusenken....</p>
<footer class="entry-footer"><span title='2022-05-28 22:08:28 +0100 +0100'>[ Published: 2022-05-28 ]</span>&nbsp; &middot; &nbsp;<span title='2022-05-29 08:13:08 +0100 +0100'>[ Last modified: 2022-05-29 ]</span>&nbsp; &middot; &nbsp;2 min&nbsp; &middot; &nbsp;267 words&nbsp; &middot; &nbsp;c47</footer>
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<h2 class="entry-hint-parent">n(eo)vim
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<p>A few days ago I decided to try out neovim in my everyday-life workflows.
I know about neovim since quite a while. Also I know about a few technical advantages compared to vim but over long time it was always the same:
I installed neovim I used it a few times that day and maybe the next day I started to forget to run nvim instead of vim and… found myself using vim again since then I have a week of vacation and this time I want to make serious change and integrate neovim into my daily life for while....</p>
<footer class="entry-footer"><span title='2022-05-22 07:42:43 +0100 +0100'>[ Published: 2022-05-22 ]</span>&nbsp; &middot; &nbsp;<span title='2022-05-22 22:22:32 +0100 +0100'>[ Last modified: 2022-05-22 ]</span>&nbsp; &middot; &nbsp;2 min&nbsp; &middot; &nbsp;362 words&nbsp; &middot; &nbsp;c47</footer>
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<h2 class="entry-hint-parent">Update Lastmod Using vim
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<p>I think it is very important to add date information about articles creation time and modification time. There are various ways to do this. I usually prefer when this be done automatically by my favorite editor and so I wrote a short function:
function! LastMod() if expand(&#39;%:p:h&#39;) =~ &#39;path/to/my/hugo-website/www.nixre.net/content&#39; let l:cursorpos = winsaveview() let l:timestamp = strftime(&#39;%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S&#43;02:00&#39;) silent! exe &#39;:%s/^\(lastmod:\).*$/\1 &#39; . expand(l:timestamp) . &#39;/&#39; call winrestview(l:cursorpos) endif endfunction The markdown sources are inside the content folder of my hugo website and the expand(&#39;%:p:h&#39;) of the file that is currently loaded into the buffer will show the absolute path to the directory that contains the file....</p>
<footer class="entry-footer"><span title='2022-05-01 10:28:05 +0100 +0100'>[ Published: 2022-05-01 ]</span>&nbsp; &middot; &nbsp;<span title='2022-05-29 07:37:05 +0100 +0100'>[ Last modified: 2022-05-29 ]</span>&nbsp; &middot; &nbsp;2 min&nbsp; &middot; &nbsp;255 words&nbsp; &middot; &nbsp;c47</footer>
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<h2 class="entry-hint-parent">Veraenderungen
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<p>Menschen und ihre Persoenlichkeiten sind nicht statisch. Wir veraendern uns im Laufe unserer Leben. Mehr oder weniger, aber wir alle tun das. Wir durchlaufen unterschiedliche Arten und Level von Veraenderungen. Auch unsere Sexualitaet kann sich veraendern. So kann es passieren, dass ein Aspekt unserer Sexualitaet, der frueher vielleicht nur zart schimmerte, irgendwann viel praesenter ist - vielleicht macht dieser Aspekt nun unsere Sexualitaet ploetzlich vordergruendig aus.
Andere Aspekte hingegen koennen ihre Wichtigkeit oder ihren Reiz verlieren - oder beides....</p>
<footer class="entry-footer"><span title='2022-04-29 22:41:34 +0100 +0100'>[ Published: 2022-04-29 ]</span>&nbsp; &middot; &nbsp;<span title='2024-02-19 22:41:34 +0100 CET'>[ Last modified: 2024-02-19 ]</span>&nbsp; &middot; &nbsp;2 min&nbsp; &middot; &nbsp;286 words&nbsp; &middot; &nbsp;c47</footer>
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<h2 class="entry-hint-parent">Calendars
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<p>(This is an opinion piece)
Calendars are quite a big topic for me. For very long time I avoided to use CalDAV calendars. I didnt have no special reason, like something that I explicitely dislike in CalDAV or similar. It happened, because… well… I always wondered why so many people combine calendars with eMail and CalDAV seemed to me like its always around eMail. I know this is not true, but…...</p>
<footer class="entry-footer"><span title='2022-01-02 10:45:28 +0100 CET'>[ Published: 2022-01-02 ]</span>&nbsp; &middot; &nbsp;<span title='2024-02-19 22:36:28 +0100 CET'>[ Last modified: 2024-02-19 ]</span>&nbsp; &middot; &nbsp;3 min&nbsp; &middot; &nbsp;635 words&nbsp; &middot; &nbsp;c47</footer>
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<h2 class="entry-hint-parent">Web0
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<p>I just signed the web0 manifesto .
On mastodon I stumbled upon the web0 hashtag and thought that I should take a look at this later on. But then I saw this blog post and after reading this I signed, too because it is something that I like and that I can identify with.
It makes me happy that there are so many alternatives nowadays that we can use and Im super happy about small-tech....</p>
<footer class="entry-footer"><span title='2022-01-02 10:10:27 +0100 CET'>[ Published: 2022-01-02 ]</span>&nbsp; &middot; &nbsp;<span title='2024-02-19 20:51:27 +0100 CET'>[ Last modified: 2024-02-19 ]</span>&nbsp; &middot; &nbsp;1 min&nbsp; &middot; &nbsp;132 words&nbsp; &middot; &nbsp;c47</footer>
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<h2 class="entry-hint-parent">Hello World
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<p>Today Ive spent a little time to set a this website with hugo and this is my first post to say “Hello” to my dear readers :-)
Already two or three times I took a look at hugo and each time I had quite a few problems to really start with it. I think hugo isnt very easy at the beginning and to be honest in some aspects its logic really doesnt match with mine, but I decided to use hugo now and to get used to it....</p>
<footer class="entry-footer"><span title='2021-12-24 20:18:37 +0100 CET'>[ Published: 2021-12-24 ]</span>&nbsp; &middot; &nbsp;<span title='2024-02-19 20:46:35 +0100 CET'>[ Last modified: 2024-02-19 ]</span>&nbsp; &middot; &nbsp;1 min&nbsp; &middot; &nbsp;149 words&nbsp; &middot; &nbsp;c47</footer>
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